Celebrate the creativity of your local community during the sixth annual Made in NYC Week!

Embark on exclusive factory tours that invite you to step into the world of makers and creators. From large-scale factories to vibrant studio spaces, uncover the secrets behind the production process and gain an insider’s perspective on the factory floor.
Taste of Made in NYC
Don’t miss the first ever Taste of Made in NYC!
Join us for a festival featuring a unique blend of locally produced food, beer, wine, and other goods on Saturday, May 18 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Tickets are available to purchase HERE to savor NYC’s finest creations and support the Made in NYC initiative. This celebration will close out the week with a bang!
Pop-up markets
Meet and shop from dozens of NYC makers at pop-up markets throughout the city! Explore NYC by connecting with the diverse talents that make it unique.
Shop from 50+ Made in NYC makers at pop-up markets all over the city including The Makers Show, FAD Market, Grand Bazaar, and Hester Street Fair.
Curated Retail Collections
Find Made in NYC member products at local brick-and-mortar retailers and boutiques across New York City. Our retail partners will curate collections featuring handmade ceramics, tarot cards, and more, celebrating makers and the stores vital to the local manufacturing ecosystem.

Explore the businesses that not only drive innovation but also play a crucial role in job creation and community sustainability.
Donate a product or service valued at $200 or more to be showcased and auctioned at the Taste of Made in NYC event. Your generosity will be acknowledged in our promotional materials. Apply HERE!
Join as a Sponsor
Be a vital part of Made in NYC Week 2024! Our event thrives on the support of our generous sponsors. Opportunities are tailored to accommodate all budgets and can be fully customized. Contact Taylor Novick-Finder to explore how you can contribute to the success of Made in NYC Week.
Volunteer With Us!
If you want to volunteer as a Made in NYC Week 2024 ambassador, please sign up HERE.
Stay in the loop!
SIGN UP for more information on Made in NYC Week 2024
Made in NYC Week is an annual celebration of New York City’s vibrant and essential manufacturing community. We amplify the products and stories of more than 1,600 member companies that produce everything from drone equipment to hot sauce and sweaters—in all five boroughs.
Look back at MINYC Week 2023 HERE.